dimarts, 22 de juliol del 2014

XVIII Congrés Internacional d'Història Oral

Entre el 9 i el 12 de juliol de 2014 s'ha desenvolupat a Barcelona el XVIII Congrés Internacional d'Història Oral, promogut i organitzat per la Universitat de Barcelona i la International Oral History Association. Aquesta trobada bianual ha reunit 350 persones de 30 països dels cinc continents. S'han presentat 250 comunicacions, una de les quals era la meva, relacionada amb el meu projecte d'investigació sobre la Fira de Santa Llúcia. Us adjunto el Pdf per qui li pugui interessar. També un resum en anglès.

foto de Herbert Allucci

This communication is part of the thesis entitled “La fira de santa Llúcia de Barcelona: la primera fira de pessebres documentada (1786-2012)”, directed by Dr. Maria Josefa Roma within the Program of Advanced Studies in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona.
In Catalunya, popular tradition calls the "Fira de Santa Llucia" the market selling Christmas nativity figures and decorations installed in front of the Cathedral of Barcelona. This market formerly began the day of Santa Lucia, 13 December, due to the feast day of the patron of the chapel attached to the Cathedral.
One of the major obstacles in achieving the objectives of the research was the scarce existence of documentation, caused mainly by the press and by the municipal administration, which are responsible as guarantor and custodian of the event.
It is research directed from two sides - historical and anthropological – which propose a diachronic and synchronic study to determine the genesis and evolutionary process of the Fira within its own context. The ethno-historical approach requires depleting  document sources. For an anthropological analysis it is imperative that fieldwork prioritize oral history through surveys and interviews as well as participant observation.
In this communication the procedure for conducting such interviews, the selection criteria, preparation, implementation and subsequent data analysis is explained.

Recovery of oral history has been instrumental in completing the objectives and the combination of historical analysis and anthropological methodology reinforces the value of our research and spotlights the social composition of the Fira, proving once again that interdisciplinarity is a rising value in research.
Foto amb la col·lega de taula Renata Rendelucci (Brasil) que va presentar una ponència sobre el Carnaval de Säo Luiz do Parainga. Foto de Herbert Allucci.

Pdf de la comunicació

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